7.0.4b ProBusiness change log

Zenario 7.0.4 is a significant release: it is the first time we have released our ProBusiness software as open source code for free download.

So in this release you will find a significant set of features that are in ProBusiness (but not in Pro), as well as general improvements in the 7.0.4 release compared with 7.0.3.

ProBusiness features: now in the download


An extranet is now provided allowing registered Users to log into your website. When the various modules are activated, special pages are created. These include: A registration page, a login and logout page, User profile viewer/editor, password reset option. 


This release includes the Location Manager and associated modules. These represent an important set of features for modelling any kind of geographical, real world location.

For example, you can store the locations of distributors, company offices, venues for events, and much more.

With Location Manager, you can create a Location with a name, a street address, contact details and a Google map within its management panel inside Organizer. The Google map pin can be fine-tuned manually if you need to make fine adjustments to the location. 

On the front-end, you can place a Location-related plugin on a web page in order to display a location, or a list of locations, to a site visitor.


You can then create, edit and publish Events, similar to any other Content Item. Events can have dates and times, an external URL, and other information associated with them.

You can associate a Location (defined within Location Manager), thereby allowing the Event to have an address and Google map for its venue.

An event calendar is available and when a visitor clicks on a populated day or month on the calendar, it displays a pop-out panel that floats above the web page, displaying summary details of the relevant event(s). Events can also be shown on a list.

New features for 7.0.4

Double-click editing

It is now even easier to edit a WYSIWYG editor, simply double click anywhere in the slot and you can start editing.

Word count feature

A word count is now available, that shows the total number of words used on a content item.

This counts words in version-controlled WYSIWYG editors and Banner plugins.

Better SEO optimisation

When creating a new page on your website Zenario will automatically create a page alias, which is input into the URL, making that page unique and easily identifiable to search engines. There is now an in-built system which replaces the & (ampersand) with 'and', there is never a leading or trailing - (hyphen) in what is suggested and there are never two consecutive hyphens used. This keeps the alias easy to read for SEO purposes and makes for less admin work for you.

The default Alt tag for an image will automatically be populated using the filename. Not only this but Zenario will remove the file extension and any underscores or hyphens that are present.

New module: Error log

This new module allows the administrator to see a log of all of the 404 page requests that have occurred along with the possible referring URL. You can see the wrong URL and set a spare alias for it, directing it to the relevant page. This is ideal if another web source is linking to your site with a misspelled link.

New module: User redirector

You now have the ability to display different landing pages to different Users depending on their group (the first page they see when they log into your site).

Quick preview option

You can now have a preview of your webpage in a variety of different screen resolutions. This is ideal if you want to see how your site responds on mobile devices.


Pre-existing merge fields can now be inserted into newsletters and when a newsletter is sent all admins will also get a copy.

Deleting spam user accounts

There is now an in-built feature in the Users module which will automatically detect which users have not verified their accounts (pending Users) and delete them after a predefined length of time (30 days is the default). This helps with getting rid of illegitimate spam and false accounts, maintaining good order in your system. Note that this does not affect “Contacts”.

Better user impersonation

User impersonation is much improved, allowing you to maintain your admin login whilst impersonating an extranet user.

User password encryption

You can now control how your User’s passwords are stored on the system. Choose from plain text or encrypted for more security.

Screen names

When a user is made by an admin, there is an option to automatically generate a screen name. The CMS will generate a unique human friendly name using other relevant information about the user. If indeed generated by an admin, the user will be able to approve the name should they wish to post in a forum or blog.

Attachments added to Forms

You can now let your site visitors attach a file to a form on your website. This is ideal if your visitors are applying to a vacancy and want to submit their CV. The attachment can even be added to the email you receive when a form is submitted for quick access.

Document management

If you are using the old document content types on a previous Zenario release you can now easily change them over to the new document management system by simply clicking a button.  

Another added document feature is being able to add a custom image thumbnail to a document. This can then be displayed on the front end when using a “Document Container” plugin.

With the ability to generate a public link for a document, that is a link that will open the document to anyone who clicks it, we have given you the ability to delete that link should you want to make it private again.

Re-order your documents in their folders. Choose from filename or date in descending or ascending order.

Link Zenario to your Dropbox account via an API key and upload documents directly from it to your websites document area.

Better module organisation

Split modules category into 5 sub-sections for better organisation.


Minor features

  • Delete a Library Plugin that’s in use
  • “Turn off” function for Slideshow 2 slides
  • Re-draft feature for trashed items


Bug fixes

  • Fixed scheduled task emails not showing domain name