Google Maps is an integral part of some of our location mapping here at Zenario and we think that you should be privy to some of the lesser known features of Google Maps.
If you want to view all points of interest at a certain location, simply type * into the search box and all of the companies, restaurants, bars and shops will be displayed. Make sure that you have zoomed in on a smallish area or all of the locations won't be shown.
Another lesser known feature is that you can measure the distance between single and multiple points. This is especially useful for cyclists and runners who want to know how far they have run.
To do this simply right click on the map and select 'measure distance' you can then plot multiple way points on the map. You can also drag existing lines to edit your route.
Most people know that you can view driving, walking and even train directions between two places, but not a lot of people realise that you can also view flight times. Not only that you can also view the flight times and prices from various airports.
You do this in the same way as getting driving directions, but on the desktop version of maps there is an option to choose flights.
It is possible to view the larger area that a postcode covers, simply type the first 2 letter(s) and number(s) into the search bar and the area of the postcode will be shown, outlined by a dotted line.